Pictures from Sunday 10-21-18
We had a lot going on this past Sunday. Between Chimes, Puppets and Birthdays, we had a full church as well with many visitors. We also raised $500 for Thanksgiving Boxes for Keolahou Food Pantry. Mahalo to all those who baked, donated and enjoyed all the delicious treats.
Pictures from Easter Weekend
Aloha Everyone,
There was a lot going on this past weekend. Not only did we have our Holy Week and Easter Services, but we had a cleaning day and Easter Lu’au. We also celebrated some Birthdays and Anniversaries as well a surprise visit from some former members. Take a look at all that happened.
Things From This Last Week
Aloha Everyone. Here are a few pictures from this last week. I hope you enjoy them.
Here is a look at the Games Group that get’s together every Tuesday at Kalama Heights. They start playing at 1:30 p.m. There is some pretty tough competition.
Pastor Martyn’s Arrival and First Sunday
This past Sunday we welcomed Pastor Joel, Mandy, Ezra and Rowan into our Ohana. Here is a glimpse into what happened over the past week. Mahalo to Zel Terluin for the pictures at the airport, and to Zel and Sue Moorcroft for the ones from his first Sunday.
Parsonage Renewal
There has been a lot going on at the parsonage to update it for the arrival of Pastor Joel and family. Here are some before and after pictures of what has been happening. Remember there will be an open house and a Hawaiian Blessing on Saturday, August 5th from 11:00-2:00. The Blessing will be promptly at 11:00.
Pictures From the Past Few Weeks
Aloha everyone. There hasn’t been much going on here at KLC the past couple of weeks. But as we all know we are starting to gear up for our busy time of the year. Can anyone believe that it is almost Thanksgiving and then shortly after that Christmas. Here are just a few pictures from that last couple of weeks. I would like to say Mahalo to Bobbi Jo Curly for Subbing while Beth Wills was on vacation. Jessica and Roxi Nelson for being in the office while Cate was on vacation. Finally one last Mahalo to Zel Terluin and Phil Proctor for filling in while Pastor Barber was away.
Oktoberfest Pictures
Martin Luther was quoted to say “Let Them Drink Beer.” Well the actual quote was “Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer!” Boy there were a lot of non sinners this past Saturday evening. Oktoberfest went off without a hitch and fun was had by the masses. We would like to give a huge Mahalo to those who put this great even together, Cheryl & Tom Rietz, Marilyn & Mark Fornwall, Rhonda & Dave Stoltzfus, Stacie & Phil Proctor, & Cate Evert. Plus all those who came to set-up and take down. There was a lot of work that went into this first event, but it will only make for a better event next year. Mahalo to everyone who could make it. Enjoy this small glimpse into this event.
Welcome New Members
This past Sunday we welcomed 5 new people into our Kihei Lutheran Church Ohana. Welcome to Troy and Ali Dauler and their children Taylor and Trevor, Oliver and Marcia Stafford, and Deidre Tegarden. All of you are a wonderful addition to this church. We also welcomed back Hula for the season. It is always great to have our musicians/dancers back from their summer break. We also have the bonus of Tom and Cheryl Rietz in costume promoting Oktoberfest. I just like picture and thought you would as well.
God’s Work Our Hand’s Pictures
There hasn’t been much going on the past couple of weeks here at KLC. We did show Pastor David and Karen some love to celebrate their 50th anniversary. The biggest thing we have done is the God’s Work Our Hands Sunday, which this year fell on the anniversary of September 11th. This year we decided that we would use the money collected from our July noisy offering as well as some other donations to split between the Kihei Police Department Relief fund and the Fire Department Relief Fund. Not only are we giving these two groups these funds but our Prayer Shawl Hui graciously donated prayer shawls to both departments so that they can give them out as they see fit, to comfort those they are able to assist. A big Mahalo to Cheif Faaumu and Officer Orikasa from the police department and the representative from the Fire Department, for coming to service to accept our donations. Mahalo for everything that you do on a daily basis.
Property Pictures
There have been many things going on here at KLC over the past couple of months. One of them being property clean-up. There have been three days this summer where people have gotten together to clean-up certain areas of the property. One day it was adding wood chips and cleaning up the playground. Another day was cleaning up behind the green fenced in area. Last but not least it was cleaning up behind the fenced in area where the collection pond is. We would like to thank everyone who has come out to help especially the Tongans who always come and lend a hand when needed.