February 2020 Newsletter
Aloha Everyone here is the February 2020 Newsletter. Just click on those words, that’s all it takes!!!
January 2020 Newsletter
Aloha Everyone here is the January 2020 Newsletter. Just click on those words, that’s all it takes!!!
December 2019 Newsletter
Aloha Everyone here is the December 2019 Newsletter. Just click on those words, that’s all it takes!!!
November 2019 Newsletter
Aloha Everyone here is the November 2019 Newsletter. Just click on those words, that’s all it takes!!!
October 2019 Newsletter
Aloha Everyone here is the October 2019 Newsletter. Just click on those words, that’s all it takes!!!
Pictures from Sunday 10-21-18
We had a lot going on this past Sunday. Between Chimes, Puppets and Birthdays, we had a full church as well with many visitors. We also raised $500 for Thanksgiving Boxes for Keolahou Food Pantry. Mahalo to all those who baked, donated and enjoyed all the delicious treats.
Pictures from Easter Weekend
Aloha Everyone,
There was a lot going on this past weekend. Not only did we have our Holy Week and Easter Services, but we had a cleaning day and Easter Lu’au. We also celebrated some Birthdays and Anniversaries as well a surprise visit from some former members. Take a look at all that happened.
Things From This Last Week
Aloha Everyone. Here are a few pictures from this last week. I hope you enjoy them.
Here is a look at the Games Group that get’s together every Tuesday at Kalama Heights. They start playing at 1:30 p.m. There is some pretty tough competition.
Pastor Martyn’s Arrival and First Sunday
This past Sunday we welcomed Pastor Joel, Mandy, Ezra and Rowan into our Ohana. Here is a glimpse into what happened over the past week. Mahalo to Zel Terluin for the pictures at the airport, and to Zel and Sue Moorcroft for the ones from his first Sunday.
Parsonage Renewal
There has been a lot going on at the parsonage to update it for the arrival of Pastor Joel and family. Here are some before and after pictures of what has been happening. Remember there will be an open house and a Hawaiian Blessing on Saturday, August 5th from 11:00-2:00. The Blessing will be promptly at 11:00.