Council Liaisons: Keli Nelson – 874dice@hawaii.rr.com (808) 879-6908, Holly Pendergast, hollypendergast@hotmail.com, (808) 385-7506
Committee Chair: Beth Fobbe-Wills
Meeting day and time: Second Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m.
Members: Pastor Joel, Beth Wills, Zel Terluin, Stacie Proctor, Betty Misner, Andrea Harris, Keli and Vicki Nelson
Purpose: Appointed by the church council, this committee supports the pastor by arranging for volunteers to assist in worship, overseeing and coordinating the worship life of the congregation and ensuring a welcoming worship environment. They assist with weekly worship liturgies as well as special and season worship services.
You can be involved by being a committee member or volunteering for one of the following activities to assist in Sunday worship: usher, greeter scripture reader, assisting minister, fill keiki activity bags.