Welcome to Kihei Lutheran Church

To share the love and word of God through worship and service to others.

Worship Times

Sunday Worship begins at 9:00 a.m. with communion.

Ash Wednesday Service

Please join us for our Ash Wednesday Service beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Service Streaming Information

We stream on services every Sunday on our Facebook page. To view the service click here. It will then take you to our Facebook page. You may have to scroll down a bit to find it. You do not need a Facebook account to watch. We are still looking for someone to lead up our service team. If you have questions, please contact the office at 808-879-7979. Mahalo.

Office News

The office is Open. If you have questions or need support, please call or email the church office, and our administrator, Cate, will assist you.

Office hours are Monday-Thursday 9-5 and Friday 9-4.

Get Involved

Maui Church

Journey of Personal Faith

Classes, groups, and studies

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Social Opportunities

Share your faith with others

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Service to Others

Where to serve God by helping others

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For the Community

More ways to serve locally

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Sacred Arts Ministries

Recent Sermons

This Week

Aloha KLC members and friends. Many things happen at KLC during the week. This page will keep everyone informed with new photos, videos and activities each week.

Pictures from Sunday 10-21-18

We had a lot going on this past Sunday. Between Chimes, Puppets and Birthdays, we had a full church as well with many visitors. We also raised $500 for Thanksgiving Boxes for Keolahou Food Pantry. Mahalo to all those who baked, donated and enjoyed all the delicious treats.

Pictures from Easter Weekend

Aloha Everyone, There was a lot going on this past weekend. Not only did we have our Holy Week and Easter Services, but we had a cleaning day and Easter Lu’au. We also celebrated some Birthdays and Anniversaries as well a surprise visit from some former members. Take a look at all that happened.

Things From This Last Week

Aloha Everyone. Here are a few pictures from this last week. I hope you enjoy them. Here is a look at the Games Group that get’s together every Tuesday at Kalama Heights. They start playing at 1:30 p.m. There is some pretty tough competition.